The story of Ellie and Lisa (and The Game Plan Game)
We met when our kids were in preschool. As part of its parent education series, the school brought in a specialist to explain the importance of teaching our children about keeping their bodies safe. It got us thinking about all of the important information and lessons we wanted our kids to learn as they grew and gained more independence in the world. From memorizing our phone numbers to ensuring no one touched them inappropriately, the task of teaching them to be street smart was daunting. We also wanted them to be brave and not scared, but to advocate for themselves in a world that can be, at times, dangerous. Maybe a game? Something that emboldens them, rather than intimidates...
As board game enthusiasts, we surveyed the toy stores but found nothing that was appropriate or shared the content we wanted to introduce to our kids with an element of fun, so lessons would last. So, we set about creating our own game. The goal for The Game Plan Game has always been to offer a fun and interactive experience for our kids and all children. Through play, they can learn safety information, manners, and social skills. Knowledge is power and the more we can give children the confidence and tools to handle challenging situations, the better. Our promise to our children is to keep them safe and healthy and Street Smarts has been designed with both of these goals in mind! We think you'll agree!