Our mission is for every child to have the knowledge and skills to always have a game plan.
We love games and really enjoy playing board games with our kids. We understand that children learn most effectively through games and play, and we always appreciate the opportunity board games provide for bonding and connecting with our kids.
When we were developing The Game Plan Game, we searched for a board game that our own young kids would enjoy playing with us, that also helped prepare them for some of the realities of the world they would soon face. We wanted a game that was not heavy-handed and boring; Rather for it to be lively, engaging, and fun, that worked naturally with our children's curiosity to help them learn valuable life-safety skills.
So we plugged away, working with experts in the field of games and education, and we developed The Game Plan Game. We manufactured many proto-types, shared with moms, dads, grandparents, educators, therapists and kids of all ages. The feedback helped us focus on the most important issues and also reminded us to keep it fun and engaging for all.
Playing the Game Plan Game

The object of The Game Plan Game, which is suitable for families with children 4-8 years old, is for players to answer questions specifically designed to help children learn about safe and smart decision making.
Players take turns rolling the dice, and moving the appropriate number of spaces on the board. The player whose turn it is draws a card corresponding to the space they land on: Smart & Safe, Move & Groove, Say & Spell, or Nice & Neat.
The game leader, or the player, then reads the question on the card and the player whose turn it is answers or performs the action on the card.
Responses earn them tokens and the right to move along the board, ultimately leading them to the finish line. Some questions are answered verbally, while some require getting up and moving around!
The questions and actions in The Game Plan Game are designed to guide play, while also leaving room for experimentation and creativity. Groups are encouraged to have fun with how to answer questions or perform actions, or to even design their own questions!
Ready To PLAY?
Get the Game Plan Game!